Monday 2 January 2012

What to look forward to in 2012...

So the New Year is upon us and as we nurse the after effects from the celebrations and many of us prepare for the slog back to work tomorrow what have we got to look forward to in the upcoming year?

Well musically 2012 is looking incredibly strong. By far the reformed Stone Roses taking to the stage 15 years after they split should be the biggest moment, but what about these live events that are coinciding with the Olympics? Will it really be the Rolling Stones celebrating their 50th anniversary? Well things are looking that was as the whole band were in London last month rehearsing. Then we’ve also got the reformed Beach Boys out for their 50th as well, and if the suns shining you can bet it’ll be good. But beyond these ‘classic’ bands what’s hot for this forthcoming year?

1)      The Maccabees – Given to the Wild

By far my most anticipated release of the year, Pelican and Feel to Follow are among the best songs the band have released and they’re just getting stronger and stronger live (smashing it at Brixton last month). 2012 will be the year of the Maccabees, going from Indie darlings to fully blown household names. Mark my words, they’re coming.

2)      Tribes – Baby

Being pretty late on the bandwagon for these I only knew of the single ‘Sappho’ before I saw these play last month. I regret this. They were quality and having youtubed as much of their stuff as I can since then, they really deserve to be successful this year; will they reach the Vaccines level of hype? I’m not sure, but if you’ve not heard of them yet, get this album.

3)      Queens of the Stone Age – as yet untitled

It’s been 5 years since they released Eva Vulgaris and it’s about time we get another one! Rumours started last summer and it appears they will be releasing a new record this year. If you’ve not yet seen QOTSA live yet then make sure you do this summer (if they tour) as they are something else.

4)      Lana Del Ray – Born to Die

You would have to of been living under a rock not to have heard ‘Video Games’ at some point last year and Elizabeth Grant (AKA Lana Del Ray) releases her first album this month. IS she the new GaGa? Do we really care? The music so far has been catchy and she’ll be big next year regardless of what anyone thinks.

I can’t narrow down a 5th stand out album as to be honest looking into the releases for next year there’s far too many! The long awaited 2nd albums from Mumford and Sons and The XX are highlights for me, then we have Franz Ferdinand and The Killers releasing new material and rumours of new records from the Cribs (now minus Marr), Smith Westerns, Muse, the Vaccines et al is proving 2012 should be a good year for new releases.

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